Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Four years post surgery

Well, it's been four years and some change since my sesamoidectomy. I truly can't believe it's been that long since my senior year of high school, but I've come a long way! I am about to graduate from college in May 2017 and I have played four years of collegiate lacrosse.

I figured I would give an update on how things were going now after four years have passed.

I am doing great! No complications, complaints, or problems with my foot! Although I have only 205 out of the 206 bones the human adult has in the body, I have not noticed a difference at all. I can hardly even see my scar at the bottom of my foot anymore. I am still so thankful to have had such a successful surgery, and I hope that this gives those of you reading the blog a sense of hope and comfort that yours will go smoothly as well.

I have loved getting emails from those of you reading my blog and asking more questions! I am happy to answer anything that you may want to know that I did not touch on, so don't hesitate to reach out. My email is for anyone who does not have it and has additional questions.