Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Post Surgery

When I woke up, I was really dizzy. It took me some time to fully restore consciousness. I got some yummy ginger ale and saltine crackers. They gave me a little surgical boot to protect my foot. The nurse wheeled me to the car after about 45 minutes and I went home. The car ride was a little rough because I was still a little drowsy. My brother made me chicken noodle soup and I ate it when I got home. I took a little nap and a few of my friends came over to visit. (: I still can't feel anything in my foot because they gave me a numbing shot. I also took some pain killers so hopefully I won't feel my foot for a little while. I am keeping hydrated and slowly moving around with my crutches little by little to get to the bathroom. Now I feel really good and I am getting my appetite back! 

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